How to increase penis length and width at home, theory and practice

A man wonders how to increase his penis

How penis enlargement happens at home, the theory and practice of the process. How to increase the thickness and length of a male penis? Special exercises and the right massage for penis volume in men. All popular programs and techniques in our articles.

Penis Enlargement At Home: The Theory

Many men are dissatisfied with the size of the penis: someone is dissatisfied with the length, someone is concerned about the diameter. Experience means failure in intimate life. A man focused on the dimension of dignity leaves a lot to be desired, unable to adapt.

Nothing depends on the size of the male organ. The greatest pleasure can be had by a partner, provided the man has a penis. This applies perfectly to a man: he can experience otherworldly pleasures, however long and thick his dignity may be.

So don't feel bad if you suddenly feel dissatisfied with the size of your penis, you can try to increase it at home. It's easy to do: you need to pick a method that works and use it until you get long-lasting results.

Women Can Have Pleasure Regardless of Penis Size

Most men doubt that it is possible to enlarge the penis at home. In fact, before actually trying out techniques or exercises offered on the site by unknown authors, it is necessary to make sure that they are safe for men's health.

You should not use methods of penis enlargement without consulting an expert on the matter. First, you need to determine whether penis enlargement is necessary in your particular situation.

It is considered undersized if it is less than 8 cm in length in the erect state. This does not mean that male reproductive organs need to be actually augmented in this case. If everything is right for a man and a soul mate, there is no reason to worry and nothing should be done about it.

In theory, penis enlargement is realistic and there is more than one way to do it. The male organ consists of three chambers that fill with blood when excited. The size of a man's dignity depends on the amount of blood that fills the penis when erect.

In order for this process to occur, the amount of blood delivered to the organ must be increased. This can be achieved by doing specific exercises. If you practice systematically, a penis of the ideal length and thickness will not just exist in the imagination.


Vacuum Pump - Penis Enlargement Device

The following methods and equipment are used to measure penis diameter:

  • vacuum pump- The method is effective if representatives of the stronger sex have problems with potency. The device is a cylindrical container that houses a pump. The reproductive organs are placed in a cylinder from which the pump begins to draw air until slight discomfort occurs;
  • manual- Application that includes exercises performed with lubricants, mainly consisting of stretching and squeezing different parts of the penis. To be effective, the member must be in an erect state;
  • extender– Thickness can be increased by stretching with special tools. The reproductive organs are placed in the device, and the head is secured with a silicone tube. This work is done by stretching the tissue. In this case, not only the diameter and length of the penis can be increased, but also the curvature can be eliminated;
  • Hormone Drug Use- The greatest need is for drugs containing testosterone and gonadotropins. Hormones should be used with caution as they can be harmful to health. The use of the drug is prohibited without prior consultation with a doctor.
The increase in penis diameter and length occurs with the help of extenders


There are two effective exercises that help increase a man's dignity:

  1. Before performing the exercises, it is necessary to warm up the penis. They take a bag of salt, heat it up to 40 degrees, and apply it to the male organ for 10-15 minutes. This time is sufficient to raise the temperature to the desired value. Afterwards, the penis must be kept erect and a lubricant specially designed for this purpose should be applied generously. Then, with the help of two fingers (index and thumb), squeeze the bottom firmly and pull it towards the head. Start practicing 40-50 times, and then adjust to 200 times.
  2. The preparation for the second exercise is similar to that in the first case. Grasp the male organ with the palm of your hand and squeeze firmly (should be painless). In this position, dignity is gently pulled in all directions. With simple manipulations, you can increase the length of your penis by an average of 2 cm within a month.

Other methods

Representatives of strong sex who want to greatly enlarge the penis, even if it is not necessary. If breast size matters to women, men care about getting thicker and longer penises.

In addition to the above methods of promoting penis growth, there are the following methods:

  • massage– It is recommended to warm up the penis before massage.

    They take a towel, soak it with hot water (the temperature should be higher than body temperature), squeeze it out and wrap it around the penis. This operation is repeated 2-3 times. The massage starts with stroking and kneading, then adds pulling (towards the head).

    It is important to remember that men's skin is delicate and it is necessary to use plenty of lubricant and massage carefully.

  • cargo therapy- Hanging heavy objects on the penis will give good results, but will cause damage.

    With the help of adhesive tape, a rope with a weight is fixed to the head for a few minutes (the weight is gradually increased, as is the duration of the procedure). Using this method, only the length of the member can be increased.

  • You can quickly increase the size of a man's penis thanks to the nozzle
  • penis attachment- they play the role of a kind of prosthetic, thanks to which they gain not only length, but also manly volume;

  • Various ointments, gels, creams- The main purpose is to improve the blood circulation of the penis, so the size will increase.

  • cold compress- The folk method is based on the ability of blood vessels to constrict and dilate.

    For a compress, take a cup of crushed ice and apply to the scrotum. The procedure constricts the blood vessels that spread throughout the manhood, and then, when the spasms from exposure to cold temperatures pass, the blood vessels dilate. As a result, the amount of blood that fills the penis increases and increases in size.

Without testing it yourself, it's impossible to determine which works and how the mechanism works.